Meet cubique

We are dedicated to crafting spaces that ignite inspiration

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The Nordic Baltic Youth Summit 2024 will take place in Vilnius, Lithuania (September 27-28) , welcoming representatives of  Youth Councils and NGOs from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, Greenland, Åland, and the Faroe Islands, with an anticipated attendance of 250 participants.

The primary objective of the Summit is to enhance network and collaboration among young people in the region by hosting the first ever meeting of such format and scope. 

In partnership with the Lithuanian Youth Council (LiJOT) and the National Council of Swedish Children and Youth Organisations (LSU), the Nordic Council of Ministers Office in Lithuania has established the structure for the Summit’s pre-activities and management to ensure a successful meeting in Vilnius.

The focus is set on active involvement and engagement of youth in the preparation and execution of the project. The project draws inspiration from previously organized summits, such as Nordic Youth Summits in Oslo (2022) and Reykjavik (2023). This event marks the first instance of Nordic and Baltic Youth representatives coming together for a dedicated partnership.

The success of small countries hinges on economic and social development rooted in trust, a free market economy, respect for human rights, democratic values, and transparency in the public sector. Cooperation among Nordic and Baltic youth is crucial for achieving and maintaining this success in the future to come.

To reach young people and inform potential participants about the initiative, the project management team is actively engaged with existing youth networks of our major partners, sister organizations of LiJOT and LSU.

It is vital to ensure that young people have the right to express their opinions, feel a sense of responsibility and ownership for the summit. 

The summit aims to foster conversation, collaboration, and provide a platform for Nordic-Baltic youth, ensuring that their voices are heard.


This project directly contributes to the Nordic Council of Ministers Vision 2030, which aspires to create the world's greenest, most competitive, and socially inclusive region.

Achieving this vision and following the strategy requires increased trust between generations and remembering that children and young people are important here and now. This way, creating a more socially inclusive and competitive region. 

The Nordic Council of Ministers action plan emphasizes that an equal society is based on equal rights and opportunities for everyone, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, or other differences. Equality is a prerequisite for inclusive transformation in society. This event from the beginning is being developed by diverse group of youth with the aim of leaving no one behind.

Furthermore, the Nordic Council of Ministers strategy for children and young people 2016 – 2024 highlights that "the Nordic region should be the best place in the world for children and young people", ensuring their well-being and development. This project supports this goal by giving young people a platform of the summit, to discuss, share knowledge and strengthen the Nordic Baltic Youth cooperation.Additionally, project aligns with the upcoming Swedish Presidency of the Nordic Council of Ministers program for 2024.


  • The Summit aims to ensure that young people have the right to express their opinions, feel a sense of responsibility and ownership for the summit, and actively contribute to shaping their own future.
    The primary objective of the Summit is to enhance network and collaboration among young people in the region by hosting the first ever meeting of such format and scope. 

  • Foster an open and inclusive culture in the Nordic Baltic region for youth, drawing attention to priority areas for young people in our region. Encouraging a culture of debate will strengthen the foundation for collaboration between Nordic and Baltic countries, providing a platform for joint discussions on mutually significant youth-related issues.

  • The Summit will promote equality, diversity, and an inclusive society. Topic selection for the summit will adopt a gender-based approach, identifying subjects of interest for a diverse group of youth. Gender balance will be a consideration when selecting speakers, moderators, and management.

  • The project's primary owner and target audience are young people. They will actively participate in deciding on project activities, acquiring new knowledge and skills, and gaining empowerment. Young people's voices will be heard among decision-makers, as they are the main stakeholders and co-creators of the event.

  • The project aims to strengthen the positive image of Nordic Baltic Youth cooperation.

  • The summit aims to foster unity by facilitating discussions among Nordic and Baltic youth alongside experts on shared areas of interest.

  • To ensure the highest standards of sustainability, the project management team is currently integrating the latest Nordic recommendations for cultural events. For more details on these guidelines: "Nordic Green Roadmap for Cultural Institutions".

Meet the Creative Minds at CUBIQUE

Founder Dimitri Chen
Dimitri Chen
Founder, Senior Architect

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer consectetur cursus nibh, vel iaculis orci. Nulla eleifend quam ut urna vehicula, sed volutpat lectus sollicitudin.

Email Dimitri
Co-Founder Paula Mirnov
Paula Mirnov
Co-Founder, Senior Architect

Nulla est erat, semper non tincidunt a, volutpat ut diam. Quisque scelerisque vel dolor non blandit. Duis efficitur urna ut auctor varius. Nam rhoncus odio eu purus maximus semper. Vivamus pulvinar dui eget scelerisque ornare.

Email Paula
Architect Linda Green
Linda Green
Architect, Project Manager

Proin eu metus vitae odio vehicula tincidunt. Aenean tristique aliquam orci, a venenatis justo congue eu. Sed ut velit ac dui lacinia gravida vel in arcu. Integer et justo justo. Nulla eu turpis ut nunc suscipit congue. Vivamus eu ligula vitae augue gravida bibendum vel eu risus.

Email Linda
Architect Lucas Gonzalez
Lucas Gonzalez
Architect, Project Manager

Vestibulum tortor ipsum, pharetra sed elit id, facilisis maximus dolor. Mauris viverra nisi non metus pharetra, vitae scelerisque magna commodo. Nulla eleifend quam ut urna vehicula, sed volutpat lectus sollicitudin.

Email Lucas